The sun is shining, flowers are blooming and this can only mean one thing.
It’s Spring time!
Under normal circumstances that would mean the start of riding season, at least for those of us here on the East Coast.
For some of you the coming of spring is less an occasion than it is for us New Englander’s. We really do have cold and cruddy winters. Yes, that makes us a hearty bunch. We ski on rocks and ice, we street ride through frost-heaves and we dodge pot holes and Volvo’s. (So many Volvo’s…) That may sound like fun, but it also breeds a special kind of cabin fever where the environment becomes less an ally and more an enemy. By this time of year, we’re ready for a track day.
I suspect at this point many of you can relate.
Having painstakingly curated the 2020 calendar of track day events, the team here noted a few pretty exciting things.
First, there were more then 960 individual track day events scheduled this year. This is nearly twice the number we saw in 2019. Many organizers are offering events specially tailored to new riders, ladies-only events and even Motard events. When we can put the Covid mess behind us, it will be a pretty good season.
Frankly, I got so excited that I made a map. Okay, fine. I borrowed the map but I added the red circles.
Each circle illustrates an approximate 2-hour drive radius around a race track that’s hosting a track day this year. I’m sure we’re missing some and hopefully someone will reach out to us so we can fill in the blanks, but all-in-all, this is a pretty impressive display of the current state of sport motorcycling here in the States.
As we progress through the year we’ll be adding interviews with organizers, more events and even adding manufacturer demo-days to the list. Our goals here are to help more riders become better and safer through their experience and instruction at a Track day. And, secondly, to connect riders with events, organizers and manufacturers in ways that are meaningful and memorable.
Change your oil, buy those new tires and get ready. After all we’ve been through, we could use a good rip.
Come on everyone! Let’s ride.